Need help finding a job in Canada?


Professional Resume Writing Service serving all Industries, Starting out, Mid-career, Senior Managers & Executives

We evaluate your resume writing needs. We learn what you want to accomplish with your resume and schedule you with a resume writer who will help you achieve that goal. Our resume writer conducts an in-depth 1-on-1 interview with you. We focus on your experience and accomplishments to extract your unique value and use that to create your custom resume.

  • 1-on-1 Interview With Writer

  • Custom Resume

  • Custom Cover Letter

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Interview Coaching & Practice

Interview coaching is a valuable investment, and the success of your interview hinges on how prepared you are. We want you to be confident, from the moment you’re invited to the interview to the time you negotiate your compensation package. Our interactions involve more than reviewing interview questions. We make sure you are able to dive deep to uncover the value you are creating (or have created) for your employers, and stop giving hollow, surface-level answers.

  • Increase your confidence and decrease anxiety
  • Mock interview practice & honest feedback to up your game

  • Learn how to position yourself with authority & confidence

  • Ask any questions – resolve all your burning questions about interviews – ask anything you feel unsure or uncertain about.
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Employment assistance in Canada.

Canada InfoNet

Are you approved for immigration to Canada? Knowing how to navigate the Canadian job market can be intimidating.

Canada InfoNet is an employment program designed for internationally trained individuals relocating to Canada in the next 12 months. You’ll learn how to conduct a job search in Canada, learn how to be successful in the Canadian workplace, gain an understanding of your industry or sector in Canada, connect with employers and apply for jobs.

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We deliver expertise you can trust.

We believe you deserve more.

Work isn’t just about the tasks we do for our company. It’s about life. It’s about making decisions that will help us grow or keep us stagnant.

The dangers of stress at work…

It’s no secret that a person who is under stress will often make poor decisions. The consequences of these decisions lead to more stress.

Everything you need + more!

Connecting to your heart sounds great, but you need a new job/new career/more work-life balance/resume!

We deliver expertise