Immigration Consultation Services

In-Depth Consultations

We discuss the details of your situation

  • Discussion of any special circumstances

  • How the law and public policy will affect your case

  • Evaluation of which programs you are eligible for

  • What to expect from the application process

  • Any red flags with your application

  • Ways to strengthen the application

  • Likelihood of approval

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Business Consultation

We discuss the details of your situation

  • Profile Assessment

  • Visa Eligibility Assessment

  • Immigration Eligibility Assessment

  • Business Immigration eligibility evaluation

  • Immigration Point Calculcation

  • Answer Questions about Immigration Rules And Regulations

  • Visa (Temporary/Study) Strategy

  • Visa Refusal Strategy

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Application Reviews

Up to 30 minutes to discuss the details of your situation

  • Available for Express Entry and Sponsorship applications

  • Available from anywhere in the world

  • In-Depth review of all corrections needed

  • Written list of corrections necessary and instructions

  • Extra assurance that your application will go into processing and not be returned

  • Especially valuable if the applicant has a temporary status that is expiring and will lose the ability to work if the application is not accepted

  • Understand further the refusal of the application or want to submit a new application.

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Full Representation

Step by step instructions and continued assistance with supporting documents above and beyond the standard government checklist.

  • Development of an overall immigration strategy to achieve your goal

  • Detailed cover letter citing the law and why the application should be approved

  • Submission of the application to the government on your behalf

  • Continued support after submission of the application – advisement of requests and deadlines from the government

  • Up to date information regarding the ongoing status of your application

  • Direction regarding what steps you should take after you have achieved your immediate goal

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Any person or business is legally eligible to submit a Canadian immigration application on their own. But, it’s OK to want a little guidance.

IRCC instructions are highly detailed and not always easy to understand the first or tenth time you have read them.
You may not have the time or desire to learn Canadian immigration laws and regulations and how they apply to your situation. Even if your application is straightforward, there are so many details that can cause it to be returned or refused – a simple mistake can cause you to lose months of application processing times.

This is where we come in.

Border’d offer several options to guide you through a complicated and tedious immigration system.

Need a personalized solution to your case ?

If you’re still stuck, you can always book a strategy call with one of our immigration experts here!

Talk to an Expert

Get a personal consultation.

We will take care of your immigration & legal compliance services.

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(888) 909-0050